Monitoring of dust and aerosols in the air by dint of an optical dust meter


  • P.V. Kalinskyi


Dust; monitoring; optical dust meter; aerosols; Internet of Things; ESP32-S; research


In the qualification (master's) work's, the issue of monitoring dust and aerosols in the air with the help of an optical dust meter was studied. A portable wireless system for measuring the density of dust in the air was created based on the GP2Y1010AU0F optical analog density sensor of dust particles. A smartphone is used to store, visualize, and link the measured data to the current GPS coordinates. Digitization of the dust sensor signal, their primary processing and wireless communication between the smartphone and the monitoring system are implemented using an inexpensive ESP32- S microcontroller. For testA, has been created a map of pollution in the city of Vinnytsia.





Спеціальність 101 Екологія