Financial aspects of enterprise development strategy formation


  • A. Synusyk


financial strategy; development strategy; concept; financial stability; forecasting


The qualification work explores the essence and structure of the enterprise development strategy, defines methodological approaches to studying the financial aspects of forming the enterprise development strategy. An analysis of the financial potential of enterprises in the wood processing sector of Ukraine has been conducted. A concept for improving the financial component of the enterprise development strategy has been developed.
An analysis of the financial stability of LLC 'Barlinek Invest' has been conducted. Practical application of forecasting tools represented by methods and models has been implemented. Forecasting of the cost price of the products sold and net income for LLC 'Barlinek Invest' for 2023 – 2025 has been carried out, along with proposals for enhancing the financial strategy of LLC 'Barlinek Invest.'





Спеціальність 072 Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування