The associative-psychological paradigm of the value orientations of the individual in the conditions of the war of 2014-2023


  • A. Zhyhai Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


psycholinguistics; psycholinguistic analysis; linguisticpsychological portrait; schoolboy's worldview; language; thinking; war


The final year project investigates linguistic and psychological portraits of schoolchildren with the tracing of their territorial and chronological parameters and the comparison of value paradigms in the period from 2014 to 2023. It analyzes the main trends of the impact of the situation in Ukraine on the speech and thinking of schoolchildren through changes in mental health and determined the levels of stress resistance and preparedness for the perception of the fact of hostilities to predict and/or model new forms of behavior and forecasting unusual for modern youth moral values in the future. An associative glossary was created.





Спеціальність 035.10 Прикладна лінгвістика