Emotional Profile of Fear in the Ukrainian Language
emotion; emotional profile; fear; literary textAbstract
The qualification work characterizes the emotional profile of fear in the Ukrainian language on the basis of a literary text. The concepts of "emotionality", "emotionality" and "expressiveness" in modern linguistics are distinguished; types of emotions in psychology and psycholinguistic studies are characterized; the means of expressing emotions and emotional states in the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian-language texts are described; the concept of emotionality as a lexical category is outlined and verbal means of expressing emotions are defined; the key information about the literary text as a stylistic and genre category is highlighted; the methods of researching the linguistic means of expressing emotions and emotional states in a literary work are determined; emotionality in language and in literary works is characterized, emotives are categorized; the linguistic means of expressing the emotional profile of fear in contemporary Ukrainian prose (based on the novel "Body" by Victoria Hranetska) are investigated.